European RoboCup@Home Education Challenge
EU@HomeEdu 2019
May 23 – 26, 2019
Trieste, Italy
The RoboCup@Home Education Challenge will be conducted
in a Workshop+Competition format to encourage participation
also of inexperienced teams. The workshop will include
lectures on how to build and program a suitable robot
for @Home tasks and how to solve the competition tasks.
International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
Scientific FabLab (SciFabLab)
Street address: via Beirut 6, ICTP E. Fermi Bulding lower level
Trieste 34151, Italy
See the website http://scifablab.ictp.it for directions
Co-located with Trieste Mini Maker Faire:
Teams interested in participating to the challenge,
please fill the form
by February 15, 2019.
Selected teams will be notified by February 28, 2019.
Although a selection will be necessary for the participation
to the event in Trieste (max 8 teams), all interested teams
will be involved in the remote activities in preparation
of the challenge. So all the teams can benefit from the
educational material that will be prepared for the challenge.
Partial travel support for students will be available thanks
to RoboCup Federation and Mathworks.
– Luca Iocchi (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
– Paola Ferrarelli (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
– Jeffrey Too Chuan Tan (Nankai University, China)
– Sebastian Castro (Mathworks, USA)
– Stefano Olivieri (Mathworks, Italy)
– Paolo Cirinei (Robotics 3D, Rome, Italy)
– Sandro Scandolo, Enrique Canessa e Carlo Fonda (ICTP, Trieste, Italy)